by Ellary Eddy | Apr 27, 2020 | LEXIVORE, WHATEVS
In honor of Spring, I forthwith present you a tiny taste of a marvelous botanical compendium called ~ THE CLASSIFIED LIST AND INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF DAFFODIL NAMES, published by the Royal Horticultural Society in 1961. I picked up this narrow, nigh colorless volume...
by Ellary Eddy | Apr 24, 2020 | LEXIVORE
What’s in a word? An entire universe! Space, time, and history too. Excuse my ardor, but I am a lover of words. So on Shakespeare’s birthday (not sure how anyone knows that since nobody is even certain who he truly was?), I am presenting you with a word I...
by Ellary Eddy | Jan 7, 2020 | CITIZEN, LEXIVORE
At the dawn of a new decade, as I find myself simultaneously reflecting backward and forward in time, the word which keeps repeating in my head is hope. Hope, a signature word for the Obama era, now seems woefully inadequate to the task ahead. We can’t hope our way...