by Ellary Eddy | Apr 30, 2018 | SOLO
It’s a Friday night and you forgot to make specific plans. Or maybe you didn’t forget, you just didn’t want to. Why would that be? That you expected to have more fun alone? Not just expected but predicted you would? Not necessarily about fun either,...
by Ellary Eddy | Apr 30, 2018 | LEXIVORE
In case you dropped onto this page out of the blue, here is an intro to my 101 Favorite Words. And here are my picks from the letter B… (Oh, in case you’re curious, this photo is my own personal blimp. This is how I travel in my daydreams. Batman has his...
by Ellary Eddy | Apr 30, 2018 | LEXIVORE
Having claimed myself a lexivore, or one who eats words like bon-bons, I herewith begin to unwind the reel of my 101 favorite words…which will include definitions, etymologies and usages. Of course some of these words really don’t need definitions but are included...
by Ellary Eddy | Apr 30, 2018 | CITIZEN
Regard this small creature. Expectant, hopeful, patient… or is it in the act of considering its own doom? Could be a hawk, could be a falling limb, or it could be radical climate change. This little wight might be in the last of its species to be considered...
by Ellary Eddy | Apr 30, 2018 | CITIZEN
Though tall and well built, my friend Arthur has developed a paunch and moves rather slowly. His profession however (Stocks and Options, Futures and Forex), moves at high-speed. An independent, iconoclastic scholar, a super hetero nerd, Arthur has traded his whole...