by Ellary Eddy | Mar 26, 2020 | ARTIBUS, CITIZEN
I awaken to no sound.Leave eyes shut.Rustle my sheets and wonder what words can describe that sound I never thought to investigate til now. Nowhere to go just now.Investigate. Eyes shut: there is the darkness like velvet and jelly and dirt all at once.A moving plasma....
by Ellary Eddy | Mar 19, 2020 | ARTIBUS, PLAYLISTS
If there is anything I love more than swimming and sailing, oh and dancing, it’s building playlists. Maybe I should have been a DJ? Anyhow, this here is a modified version of the playlist I played at my first book reading, at Lunya, the wonderful mod sleepwear...
by Ellary Eddy | Mar 12, 2020 | CITIZEN, SELFHOOD
Generalists actually triumph? News to me. Being, as I am, a dyed-in-the-wool, intransigent generalist, who hadn’t necessarily triumphed except in her own mind, I grabbed this book off the shelf. Although I have left in my trail many concrete proofs to the contrary,...
by Ellary Eddy | Mar 3, 2020 | CITIZEN, PLAY, ETC, Uncategorized
One morning I awoke from a dream that I had become a Republican… As my wits re-assembled themselves I thought – this is terrifying! But, panting slightly, I delved back into the dream and saw that I had been happy. In the dream I felt I could finally rest...
by Ellary Eddy | Mar 1, 2020 | PLAY, ETC, SELFHOOD
To be more precise, the act of freeing oneself is a skill. One can learn it. Does it take the now-proverbial 10,000 hours of practice? Maybe. But if you work at it every day (which can also mean play with it), it shouldn’t be that intimidating. Really it’s just...