by Ellary Eddy | Feb 7, 2019 | LEXIVORE
ARE YOU ZETETIC? It’s all Greek to me! Me too… until I stumbled across the adjective when searching through online dictionaries for a term related to what I do a lot of. Zetetic: inquiring or seeking… The word then became key to a whole chapter On Being Zetetic, in...
by Ellary Eddy | Jul 23, 2018 | LEXIVORE, PLAY, ETC
The great archetypal activities of human society are all permeated with play from the start. Take language for instance, that first and supreme instrument which man shapes in order to communicate, to teach, to command. Language allows him to distinguish, to establish,...
by Ellary Eddy | Apr 30, 2018 | LEXIVORE
In case you dropped onto this page out of the blue, here is an intro to my 101 Favorite Words. And here are my picks from the letter B… (Oh, in case you’re curious, this photo is my own personal blimp. This is how I travel in my daydreams. Batman has his...