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Regard this small creature. Expectant, hopeful, patient… or is it in the act of considering its own doom? Could be a hawk, could be a falling limb, or it could be radical climate change. This little wight might be in the last of its species to be considered endangered, but all amphibians are truly at risk at this point.

This is a creature, with its permeable skin so vulnerable to the vicissitudes of climate, whose likely demise will be from the latter calamity. What would it be like to watch the last toad leap into the air to catch a fly? What would it be like to teach future children why a certain swimming stroke, the frog kick, is named after a related species that no longer exists?

My heart is breaking on a daily basis to see what we’ve done to our planetary home. Earth – as far as we know a completely unique ecosystem that has taken millennia to develop, a gorgeous creation that we can only contemplate in awe – why aren’t we acting?

I confess that I flail about, every day, trying to figure out what can be done. All the tiny actions I take are of no use really. The whole damn shebang has spiraled way out of control and here I am, a potential grandmother, stressed as hell about the future we are handing our next generations. We all seem to be stumbling about in complete denial, or in a paralysis of cluelessness as to what is to be done.

To be continued…

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