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This is my New Years gift to all of you wonderful, energetic and devoted people out there. I hope this playlist will help you slip free of the grip of a year unsettling us with its calamities and absurdities. They needn’t be our concerns today, except as they serve to propel us to higher states of being where the world’s heart beats true. We are better than we have been led to believe. Let’s unite and transform this poor planet that needs so much tenderness and attention. Let’s make 2019 a year of clarity, harmony and transformative love.

Apple Music pops up a window immediately but you can click outside, on the actual playlist, and it will go away. Or you can sign up for a trial. Aside from my travails working with the developers at Apple, as a user, I love Apple Music. Do let me know if you’d rather I post these playlists on Spotify!